Login Information

Your current chow username and password have been migrated to the new server. However this is based on the information this past Monday (Aug 22nd). If you happened to change your chow password after that date... in that case try using the one before or contact me.

If you use SSH to connect, you'll probably get a warning message the first time you log in (we changed the machine). Just ignore it and proceed to log in.

After your first login to the new server, check if your documents/mail is OK.

You may notice something different (desktop, prompt, etc). if you need help to adjust some of the settings, let me know.

For emergent question, please contact Jian Kong at jkong@math.jhu.edu (phone: 516-5115).

Terminal and X-win32 (important information)

We have terminals in some office and lab. These terminals also use fonts server from chow.

If you want to log in chow desktop through a Windows PC, X-win32 is installed on all department Windows machines.

Important Note: Please choose KDE desktop when using X-win32 to connect. Using GNOME will get very bad performance.

To choose KDE, on login screen, click Sessions and choose KDE. Once you input your username and password, it will ask if you want to use KDE as your default desktop, click OK to log in.

Page last updated 8/28/2005.
Feedback: jkong@math.jhu.edu.
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