Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Department of Mathematics
Johns Hopkins University

Fall 2019

Regular meeting time: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 (Tea served at 4:00)
Place: Gilman 77



Title and Abstract

September 10

Joaquin Moraga

Princeton University

Termination of pseudo-effective 4-fold flips


Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss relations between Hermitian metrics and termination of flips for pseudo-effective complex pairs.

In particular, it is expected that ACC for lct's of Hermitian metrics implies termination of flips for pseudo-effective complex pairs in arbitrary dimension.

We prove that provided the existence of minimal models, the above invariant can be recovered using generalized log canonical thresholds.

Finally, we will sketch the termination of pseudo-effective 4-fold flips using this approach.

September 17

Jingjun Han

Johns Hopkins University

Boundedness of ($\epsilon, n$)-Complements for Surfaces

Abstract: I will introduce a reformulation of a conjecture due to Shokurov on the Boundedness of ($\epsilon, n$)-Complements. I will show some applications of this conjecture, and give a sketch of the proof of the conjecture for surfaces. This is an ongoing work with Guodu Chen.

September 24

Nikolaos Tsakanikas

Universität des Saarlandes

Minimal Models and Weak Zariski Decompositions

Abstract: In this talk I will sketch the proof of a reduction result concerning minimal models, namely that the existence of minimal models for smooth varieties implies the existence of minimal models for log canonical pairs. Additionally, I will present some immediate corollaries
and I will also discuss the crucial role that weak Zariski decompositions and generalized pairs play in all the proofs. This is joint work with V. Lazić.

October 1

Yoshinori Gongyo

The University of Tokyo

On rationality theorem for cone of movable in codimension l curves


Abstract: We discuss the analogy of rationality, cone, and contraction theorem for movable in codimension l curves. Our purpose is to understand it by the language of Minimal model program. This is a joint work with Sun Rak Choi. 

October 8

Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk

Purdue University

Resolution via weighted blow-ups

Abstract:  We provide a simple procedure for resolving, in characteristic 0, singularities of a variety X embedded in a smooth variety Y by repeatedly blowing up the worst singularities, in the sense of stack-theoretic weighted blowings up. This is a joint result with Abramovich and Temkin. Similar result was discovered independently by McQuillan.

We also review some other recent results on desingularization.

October 15

Junliang Shen


A tale of two Lagrangian fibrations


Abstract: Lagrangian fibrations, which are higher dimensional analogs of elliptic K3 surfaces, play a crucial role in the study of holomorphic symplectic geometry. We will discuss two Lagrangian fibrations of different flavors. 

The first is a Lagrangian fibration of a compact holomorphic symplectic manifold, and the second is Hitchin's integrable system. We will focus on the interactions between them as well as connections to Hodge theory, which lead to progress on the P=W conjecture. Based on joint work with Andrew Harder, Zhiyuan Li, and Qizheng Yin for the compact case, and joint work with Mark de Cataldo, and Davesh Maulik for the Hitchin case.

October 22

Karl Schwede

University of Utah

Inversion of adjunction for a mixed characteristic version of multiplier and adjoint ideals

Abstract:  Suppose D is a prime divisor in a normal scheme X. Inversion of adjunction for log terminal singularities says that the pair (X, D) is purely log terminal (PLT) if and only if (D, diff) is Kawamata log terminal (KLT), where diff, or Shokurov's different, can be viewed as a correction term. Takagi proved a version of this result for F-regular singularities in characteristic. In this talk, I will discuss joint work with Ma, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek which generalizes these results to mixed characteristic schemes via perfectoid big Cohen-Macaulay (BCM) algebras.


As an application, we obtain better understanding of mixed characteristic perfectoid BCM test ideals as well as an improved Briancon-Skoda formula in singular mixed characteristic rings.

October 29

Gabriele Di Cerbo

Princeton University

Birational boundedness of elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds


Abstract: The minimal model program predicts that, up to a special class of birational equivalences, each projective variety decomposes into iterated fibrations with general fibers of 3 basic types: Fano varieties, Calabi-Yau varieties, and varieties of general type. Our understanding of the boundedness of Fano varieties and varieties of general type is quite solid but Calabi-Yau varieties are still elusive. In this talk, I will discuss recent results on the birational boundedness of elliptic Calabi-Yau varieties with a section. As a

consequence, we obtain that there are finitely many possibilities for the Hodge diamond of such varieties. This is joint work with Caucher Birkar and Roberto Svaldi.

November 5

Lu Qi


Boundedness of complements and local volumes of singularities


Abstract: We introduce some applications of the theory of complements in the study of the normalized volume function, based on the recent work of Chenyang Xu and an ongoing joint work with Jingjun Han and Yuchen Liu.

November 12

Dan Abramovich

Brown University

Resolving singularities of varieties and families

November 19

Jianshi Yan

Fudan University

On projective 4-folds of general type with geometric genus greater than 1


Abstract: We show that for nonsingular projective 4-folds V of general type with geometric genus $p_g>1$, $\varphi_{33}$ is birational onto the image and the canonical volume Vol(V) has the lower bound $\frac{1}{620}$. This is a joint work with Meng Chen.

December 3