Search the Help Desk Help Desk

(HTML only. To search PDF books, see Online Manuals Set.)
Examples:   atan2, axes & LineStyle, integrat* More about searching

The Help Desk search utility requires Java.
Your browser must have Java enabled to be able to use the search facility.

About Searching

Enter the word you want to search for in the field labeled "Enter query" and click on the "Search" button. The results appear in the scroll window. Double-click on a result line to go to the corresponding document. If you want to return to the this search page, use your browser's Back button (to avoid the delay of the applet reloading the search database).

A search request consists of words and boolean operators. All words are case insensitive, which means that Hello is the same as HELLO is the same as hElLo. The boolean operators are AND (symbol '+' or '&'), OR (symbol '-' or '|'), and NOT (symbol '!'). They all have the same meaning in English as their mathematical meaning:

  1. +, &, boolean AND.
    Search for all occurances of one word AND another word. Documents which have only the one, or only the other, or neither, are excluded.
  2. -, |, boolean OR.
    Search for all occurances of one word OR the other word. Documents which have neither word are excluded.
  3. !, boolean NOT.
    Search for all occurances of any word except the given word. Documents which have the given word are excluded.
In addition there is the wild-card (symbol '*') which means "and ending with anything", for example, word* could be word, or words, or wordsworth, etc.

You can apply more than one operation, though they are implemented as read, from left to right, that is, they have equal precedence and left associativity.

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